Sunday, August 2, 2009

GFI FAXMaker For Exchange SMTP 14.3.20090625

(c) GFICracker: AGAiN 2009Supplier: AGAiN 2009Packager: AGAiN 2009Tester: AGAiN 2009OS: WindowsLanguage: EnglishProtection: SerialSize: 07 x 4.77mbDate: 18/07/2009R e l e a s e I n f oReduce costs with the no. 1 fax server: GFI FAXmaker is the leading fax server that makessending and receiving faxes an efficient, simple andcheaper process. The problems with manual faxingwaiting for the fax to go through, the need forprintouts, physically walking to the fax machine aresolved because GFI FAXmaker allows users to receiveand send faxes directly from their email clientWith 30,000 customers and numerous awards, GFIFAXmaker is the no. 1 fax server, offering reliabilityand enterprise functionality at the best price on themarket. The benefits are numerous: Less time is spentsending, collecting and distributing faxes, noticeablecost savings and each fax received or sent is saved indigital format as an emailNo burden on the administratorGFI FAXmaker is easy to install, requires littlemaintenance and integrates with existing messagingclients and customized solutionsSeamless integration with existing business processesGFI FAXmaker integrates with your mail serverallowing users to send and receive faxes and SMS/textmessages using their email client. The company canalso search for and backup all faxes in the same waythat emails are stored and retrieved on the networkFax over IP (FOIP) supportGFI FAXmaker supports Fax over IP (FOIP) andintegrates with IP-enabled PABXs, and Brooktrout s SR140 technology to send faxes over the InternetI n s t a l l I n f oUnzip and unrar release, install it. When asked useour keymaker to generate your registration dataDownload :CyberDeViLZ

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