Sunday, August 2, 2009

BricsCad Pro v9.2.16.15292 | 81.94 MB

BricsCad v9 is the smart choice for architects, engineers,designers-virtually any professional who creates or uses CAD drawings.BricsCad provides unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk AutoCAD and is fully programmable with hundreds of third-party solutions. AutoCAD command line Most CAD professionals spend years mastering AutoCAD commands until they’re second nature.Since these commands help create the majority of CAD work,BricsCad transparently maps them to BricsCad equivalent commands.DWG COMPATIBILITY- Native DWG 2007 file format- Support for AutoCAD versions 2.5 to 2008- CUI menus and toolbars- Extended raster image support- User data file manager- New LISP engine- Full SDS support- New highly compatible COM API- Support for Object ARXPRODUCTIVITY- Powerful Drawing Explorer- Dockable Properties Bar- Consolidated Settings Manager- Customize dialog and editor- Full ACIS (3D solids) modeling- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)Version 9.2.16 06/05/2009Fixed* SR19526 crash after undo of insert or move operations on OLE objects.* SR19255 right side justification of text with trailing spaces is wrong.* SR19612, SR19431, SR19415 : localization and syntax errors in prompts.* SR19273: PAN command does not reset Osnap options anymore.* Fixed urls in help menu.* SR17819 : Drawings are now saved to a temporary file in the drawing folder. If the save process has succeeded, the drawing is renamed to its destination filename.* BRX API SR19240 : no undo on commands executed with postmessage, even if lockDocument had been called.HomepageCode:http://www.bricsys.comDownload

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